I also have other things to show, apart from those elsewhere in my web site:
OpenTripPlanner instance for Hong Kong
I have set up an OpenTripPlanner instance with data for Hong Kong for demonstration purpose. To use it, please point your OpenTripPlanner client to https://transport.miklcct.com/otp/.
If you are interested in using OpenTripPlanner in your products / services and would like my help, please contact me.
Bus photo album
Taking photos is one of my hobbies. Here you can find the bus photos I have taken these years, searchable by either fleet number, registration number or route.
Light rail photo album
Similar to the above, but light rail photos instead of bus photos.
Information for connecting the Tuen Ma Line
The service time for Light Rail for connecting the last trains of the Tuen Ma Line are listed in this page.
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